Nov 2023... 2023 update more like!

November 2023. Where did 2023 go… that zipped by in a flash.

From Cruise ships to mini golf and back again.

We’ve rolled out another set for Viking worked on the rather funky sounding Skydome on the new Arvia, Built a new scenic package for MSC Euribia, and then another set for the newest in the fleet. Whilst providing Props for CFC and some other bits and pieces for various ships!

UK theatre wise we built the new touring set for 2:22 which was a couple of months build and really looked great all set up. some Prosc bits for Sunset Boulevard, Panto Portals and all sorts for various shows around the country.

TV: We worked with ABC on the Coronation, adapting their existing set for the new King and have also built another set for a studio but thats all a bit hush hush.

On the events side we were glad to be back at Excel with Adobe for their annual summit, with another giant run of print- 6m tall by over 150m long , all with sewn ties and pockets, plus various other elements such as a tiki bar and food stations.

Thats a brief run down, with plenty of other bits and bobs to keep us busy!

We’re here to help with all Scenery and Props so feel free to give us a call on 01483 373777